
How it works.

So get this.

5 friends walk into a bar and one friend says lets put all this on James’ tab. James turns to the group and says, “why just me?, why don’t we just put it on OneCard”.

Okay not a good joke, but you can see the problem here. For generations friends have been “going dutch” or saying “I’ll pay you back”. Those days are over, OneCard allows seemless splitting of a bill for the entire group.

OneCard is a split-first and combine payment virtual card solution. By allowing you and your friends to add contributors to a virtual card, you can ensure that no one person bares the burden of solely picking up the tab for the entire group. For groups 2-100, the ability to set a per-person amount, allows your group the flexibility to create a completely customized combined card. Once all users have contributed to the OneCard, the virtual debit card is generated for users to book and use at their leisure.

When you download the OneCard App and go to create a card, you are prompted to open either two different types of cards. You can open a ‘Funded Card’ (debit style) or ‘Open Card’ (credit style). After selecting your card type you can select contributors and your unique virtual card is generated for standard card use.

Go Together. Pay Together.

Download OneCard.